Privacy Policy

Last updated April 2018

CutNavigator's parent is committed to treating the Personal Information we collect in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) ( Privacy Act ). This Privacy Policy sets out how CutNavigator's parent handles Personal Information.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to Personal Information collected by CutNavigator's parent that is exempted under the Privacy Act

CutNavigator's parent may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect its current privacy practices.

In this Privacy Policy, ‘CutNavigator's parent’, ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ is a reference to CutNavigator's parent Pty Ltd. ‘Personal Information’ means any information that identifies or can be used to identify you, directly or indirectly, including, but not limited to, first and last name, place of work, email address, occupation or other demographic information.


Select a section

1. Personal Information we collect
2. How we collect and manage Personal Information
3. Direct marketing
4. Privacy on our websites 5. Children
6. Gaining access to Personal Information we hold
7. Keeping Personal Information current
8. Deleting Personal Information
9. Complaints
10. How to contact us
11. Privacy Policy printable version


1. Personal Information We Collect

The types of Personal Information we collect include:

  • information about your use of this website (including time and date of access, Internet Protocol (IP) address of your computer, pages viewed, and materials downloaded);
  • information in identification documents (for example, passport, driver’s licence);
  • information that you provide for the purpose of registering through the website (including your name and address, job title, email address, phone and fax numbers);
  • information about transactions carried out over this website (including requests for services and transactions carried out through our secure payment gateway); and
  • any other information that you send to CutNavigator's parent.

CutNavigator's parent will not normally collect sensitive information such as your race, ethnic origin, politics, religion, trade union membership, genetics, biometrics (where used for ID purposes), health, sex life or sexual orientation. If an engagement requires collection of such details, specific consent will be requested from you.

It is generally not practical to remain anonymous or to use a pseudonym when dealing with CutNavigator's parent as usually we need to use your Personal Information to provide specific services to you, or which relate to or involve you.

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2. How we collect and manage Personal Information


2.1 How we collect Personal Information

Generally we collect your Personal Information from you directly (for example, when we deal with you in person or over the phone, when you send us correspondence (including via email), or when you use our website).

Sometimes it may be necessary for us to collect your Personal Information from a third party. For example, we may collect your Personal Information from a colleague who wishes to apply for membership of a Society on your behalf.

We may also collect Personal Information about you from your use of our websites and information you provide to us through contact mailboxes or through a registration process on our websites.

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2.2 Where you provide us with Personal Information about someone else

If you provide us with someone else’s Personal Information, you should only do so if you have their authority or consent to provide us with their Personal Information. You should also take reasonable steps to inform them of the matters set out in this Privacy Policy or any Privacy Collection Statement we give you.

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2.3 Holding Personal Information

We take reasonable and appropriate measures to protect Personal Information from loss, misuse and unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration and destruction, taking into account the risks involved in the processing and the nature of the Personal Information. In some cases, CutNavigator's parent engages third parties to host electronic data (including data in relation to the services we provide) on our behalf.

Our credit card processing vendors use security measures to protect your information both during the transaction and after it is complete. Our vendors are certified as compliant with PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards), a set of comprehensive requirements all businesses that handle credit and debit payments must comply with.

We will retain your information for as long as your subscription is active or as long as needed to provide you with our Services. We may also retain and use your information in order to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, prevent abuse, and enforce our Agreements.

If a security breach causes an unauthorised intrusion into our system that materially affects you then we will notify you and the relevant authorities within 72 hours of our becoming aware of the breach and later report the action we took in response.


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2.4 Purpose for collecting, holding, using and disclosing Personal Information

CutNavigator's parent collects, holds and uses Personal Information for a number of purposes including:

  • to provide professional services;
  • to provide technology services and solutions;
  • to respond to requests or queries;
  • to administer this website;
  • to personalise the website for you;
  • to enable your access to and use of the website services;
  • to verify your identity;
  • for seeking your feedback;
  • to meet any regulatory obligations;
  • to transfer your information in the case of a sale, merger, consolidation, liquidation, reorganisation, or acquisition;
  • for administrative purposes, including processing payment transactions;
  • to perform internal statistical analysis, including of our databases and website; and
  • for any other business related purposes.

If you do not provide us with the Personal Information we have requested, we may not be able to complete or fulfil the purpose for which such information was collected, including providing you or our clients with the services we were engaged to perform.

The types of third parties to whom we may disclose your Personal Information include:

  • experts or other third parties contracted as part of an engagement;
  • our agents, contractors and external service providers;
  • our professional advisers; or
  • government or regulatory bodies or agencies (for example, the Australian Taxation Office).

We do not disclose Personal Information to third parties for the purpose of allowing them to send marketing material to you. However, we may share non personal, de-identified or aggregated information with them for research or promotional purposes.

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2.5 Disclosure of Personal Information overseas and sharing Personal Information

Depending on the nature of the engagement or circumstances of collection, we may disclose your Personal Information to other entities overseas to fulfil the purpose for which the Personal Information was collected, or a related or ancillary purpose or otherwise in accordance with the Privacy Act. The countries to which such disclosures are made, and types of Personal Information disclosed, depend on the specific circumstances of the engagement. 

Our servers are primarily located in Singapore. In addition, we or our subcontractors, may use cloud technology to store or process Personal Information, which may result in storage of data outside Australia. It is not practicable for us to specify in advance which country will have jurisdiction over this type of off-shore activity. All of our subcontractors, however, where relevant are required to comply with the Privacy Act in relation to the transfer or storage of Personal Information overseas.

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3. Marketing

We will not use or disclose Personal Information for the purpose of our direct marketing to you unless: you have consented to receive direct marketing; you would reasonably expect us to use your personal details for the marketing; or we believe you may be interested in the material but it is impractical for us to obtain your consent. You may opt out of any marketing materials we send to you through an unsubscribe mechanism or by contacting us directly. If you have requested not to receive further direct marketing messages, we may continue to provide you with messages that are not regarded as “direct marketing” under the Privacy Act, including changes to our terms, system alerts, and other information related to your subscription.

CutNavigator's parent may also use your Personal Information for the purpose of providing information about the Society or an event for which you have provided your information. 

If you do not want to receive any such material from us, you can contact us as detailed below:

  • for electronic communications, you can click on the unsubscribe function in the communication or
  • for hard copy communications, you can email or
  • through our contact details in ' How to contact us '.

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4. Privacy on our Websites


4.1 Automatic collection of Personal Information

Cookies and other technologies may be used by CutNavigator's parent and its service providers on some CutNavigator's parent websites and through email to automatically collect certain types of information. The collection of this information allows us to customise your online experience, improve the performance, usability and effectiveness of CutNavigator's parent’ online presence and to measure the effectiveness of our marketing activities.

If you register or log into a cutnavigator Events web site and provide information about your preferences, we may use your information to personalise your user experience. If you register or log into a CutNavigator's parent web site using a third party account (such as LinkedIn, Google or Twitter), we may collect any information you have permitted the third party service to share, including your name and email address, depending on the privacy settings you have set with the third party service and their privacy policy.

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4.1.1 IP address

An IP address is a number assigned to your computer whenever you access the internet. It allows computers and servers to recognise and communicate with one another. Public IP addresses from which visitors appear to originate may be recorded for IT security and system diagnostic purposes. This information may also be used in aggregate form to conduct web site trend and performance analysis, and to personalise your user experience.

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4.1.2 Cookies

Cookies may be placed on your computer or internet-enabled device whenever you visit us online. This allows the site to remember your computer or device and serves a number of purposes.

Although most browsers automatically accept cookies, you can choose whether or not to accept cookies via your browser's settings (often found in your browser's Tools or Preferences menu). You may also delete cookies from your device at any time. However, please be aware that if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to fully experience some of our web sites' features.

Cookies by themselves do not tell us your email address or otherwise identify you personally. In our analytical reports, we may obtain other identifiers including public IP addresses, but this is for the purpose of identifying the number of unique visitors to our web sites and geographic origin of visitor trends, and not to identify individual visitors.

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4.1.3 Analytics Tools

CutNavigator's parent may use analytics tools, such as Google Analytics. To provide website visitors with more choice on how their data is collected by Google Analytics, Google have developed the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on . The add-on communicates with the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js) to indicate that information about the website visit should not be sent to Google Analytics. The Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on does not prevent information from being sent to the website itself or to other web analytics services.

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4.1.4 Embedded Links

In some of our newsletters and other communications, we may monitor recipient actions such as email open rates through embedded links within the messages. We collect this information to gauge user interest and to enhance future user experiences.

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4.1.5 Social media widgets and applications

CutNavigator's parent web sites may include functionality to enable sharing via third party social media applications, such as the Facebook Like button and Twitter widget. These social media applications may collect and use information regarding your use of CutNavigator's parent web sites. Any Personal Information that you provide via such social media applications may be collected and used by other members of that social media application and such interactions are governed by the privacy policies of the companies that provide the application. We do not have control over, or responsibility for, those companies or their use of your information.

In addition, CutNavigator's parent web sites may host blogs, forums and other applications or services (collectively "social media features"). The purpose of social media features is to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and content. Any Personal Information that you provide on any CutNavigator's parent social media feature may be shared with other users of that social media feature (unless otherwise stated at the point of collection), over whom we may have limited or no control.

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4.2 Links to third party websites

CutNavigator's parent’ websites may contain links to third parties’ websites. Those other websites are not subject to our privacy policy and procedures. You will need to review those websites to view a copy of their privacy policy.

CutNavigator's parent also does not endorse, approve or recommend the services or products provided on third party websites.

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4.3 Your choices

You have several choices regarding your use of CutNavigator's parent’ websites. In general, you are not required to provide Personal Information when you visit our websites. However, if you apply to receive information about our services, events and industry updates or wish to join a Society or register for an event, provision of certain Personal Information will generally be required.

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5. Children

We understand the importance of protecting children’s privacy, especially in an online environment.

In particular, our websites are not intentionally designed for or directed at children under the age of 18.

It is our policy to never knowingly collect or maintain information about anyone under the age of 18, except as part of a specific engagement to provide services which necessitates such Personal Information be collected.

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6. Gaining Access to personal Information We Hold

You can request access to your Personal Information, subject to some limited exceptions permitted or required by law. Access can be provided online through the ‘Update Your Membership’ page on this website. Requests can also be made in writing. Please see 'How to contact us' for details.

CutNavigator's parent may charge reasonable costs for providing you access to your Personal Information.

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7. Keeping Personal Information Current

We do our best to keep your data accurate and up to date, to the extent that you provide us with the information we need to do so. If your data changes (for example, if you have a new email address), then you are responsible for notifying us of those changes. If you think the information we hold about you is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, we will take reasonable steps, consistent with our obligations under the Privacy Act, to correct that information upon your request. Corrections can be made online through the Update Your Membership’ page on this website.

Corrections can also be made by contacting us, in which case we will take reasonable steps to correct it in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act. Please see 'How to contact us' for details.

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8. Deleting Personal Information

You can request the permanent deletion of your Personal Information from our records at any time. Deletion requests can be processed online through the ‘Delete Your Details’ page on this website. Requests can also be made in writing. Please see 'How to contact us' for details. We will respond to such written requests within 7 business days, either by confirming that the information has been deleted or by providing reasons why deletion has not been carried out. Some information, such as financial transactions, cannot be deleted due to fiduciary or other legal obligations. Once deleted, information cannot be recovered in whole or in part.

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9. Complaints

If you wish to make a complaint to cutnavigator Events about our handling of your Personal Information, you can contact us as set out in 'How to contact us'.

CutNavigator's parent will endeavour to reply to you within 30 days of receipt of the complaint and, where appropriate, will advise you of the general reasons for the outcome of the complaint. In some circumstances, the Privacy Officer may decline to investigate the complaint, for example if the complaint relates to an act or practice that is not an interference of the privacy of the person making the complaint.

If you are unsatisfied with our response to a privacy matter then you may consult either an independent advisor or contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner for additional help. We will provide our full cooperation if you pursue this course of action.

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10. How To Contact Us

If you have a query in relation to this Privacy Policy or you would like to notify CutNavigator's parent that you no longer wish to receive marketing material from us, access or correct your Personal Information or to make a complaint about CutNavigator's parent’ handling of your Personal Information, please contact CutNavigator's parent as follows:

Privacy Officer
CutNavigator's parent
PO Box 490
West Ryde NSW 1685
T 9999 999 999

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11. Privacy Policy Printable Version

View a full version of the CutNavigator's parent Privacy Policy (PDF 65KB) .

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